Howard’s story

“Growing Well gives you something with purpose, something to do. It will in the future save lives.”

Growing Well Volunteer Howard Bell, from Brough, was one of the first Volunteers to seek support from Growing Well at Tebay Services since it opened in January 2023. He told his story to ITV Border reporter Kate Walby when they filmed here for Mental Health Awareness Week in May 2023

“In a former life I was a zoologist and scientist and like many other people here I have suffered from mental health issues, and I’ve gone through the usual trajectory of going through the GP, and getting lots of little pills that really didn’t do a lot for me, so I came here to do something practical and worthwhile and fulfilling.

“Coming here has made quite a lot of difference. Those other things that I’ve talked about don’t change anything structurally, whether it’s talking or taking a little pill, it messes with your brain chemistry but it doesn’t change your life, your life’s still there.

“At Growing Well it’s giving you something with purpose, something to do. It’s a very, very pleasant and refreshing alternative approach to mental health because Growing Well is and will in the future save lives.”

To view the whole ITV Border report click here